SGT Jan Argonish

Army Sergeant Jan Michael Argonish, a Soldier from the Pennsylvania National Guard, was killed on August 27, 2007 during an ambush in Afghanistan. He was 26 years old and a 10 year veteran of the PA
Guard with two previous activations to his credit, serving on Active Duty during Operation Noble Eagle and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Jan was an amazing young man who loved his son Jakub, his family, his friends, and his fiancé Talia. Jan enjoyed going quad riding with
his son, listening to country music, and classic cars. Jan is deeply missed by his family, friends and the countless others he touched
over his lifetime
To honor Jan's life, his comrades, friends and family have established the “Sergeant Jan Argonish Ride,” a non-profit
organization that plans, organizes and runs an annual motorcycle
benefit ride in Northern Lackawanna County. The event will combine
many of the activities Jan enjoyed most in life while raising money
in support of several noble causes that Jan would have endorsed.
2011 Save the Date !! |
Matthew Sanford

In honor of Veterans Day, the SGT Jan Argonish Ride is sponsoring a Free Event for all Veterans, Emergency First Responders and their Friends & Family
The Courage to Transcend:
A True Source of Resiliency & Strength featuring Matthew Sanford.
True strength, true resilience, requires more than physical and mental fitness. It is more than an act of will. In this inspirational presentation, award-winning author and nationally recognized yoga instructor, Matthew Sanford, draws upon his remarkable story of trauma and loss, yoga and paralysis. See how Matthew explores what it means to truly maximize one's capacity for strength. Participants will encounter a real life story while also gaining insight into harnessing their own strength to manage personal challenges and improve the quality of their lives. Matthew has made presentations to multiple service members and veterans groups, including our wounded warriors at Walter Reed. Through his nonprofit, Mind Body Solutions, he continues to support and inspire across the country.
November 12th, 2011
Hosted by The Mellow Theatre, Lackawanna College
Doors Open to all at 6:30 PM
Event Begins at 7:00 PM
Come early to meet Matthew from 5:00 - 6:30 PM -
$5.00 Donation - Light Refreshments Included - Seating Limited
Free tickets are available to the general public at the front desk of Lackawanna College's Main Building, Monday - Friday between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM, located in downtown Scranton. Remaining tickets will be available at the door. Please call 570-955-1455 with any questions.
Jan Would Want You To Go !!
Although the SGT Jan Argonish Ride as our community has known it over the past 15 years is
not going to look the same this year, we couldn't let the day go by without honoring Jan's life and his sacrifice, and
wanted to do something to continue to help local veterans in need. On Sunday, Septermber 10th we will be hosting
the SGT Jan Argonish Day of Remembrance!
Although the SGT Jan Argonish Ride as our community has known it over the past 15 years is
not going to look the same this year, we couldn't let the day go by without honoring Jan's life and his sacrifice, and
wanted to do something to continue to help local veterans in need. On Sunday, Septermber 10th we will be hosting
the SGT Jan Argonish Day of Remembrance!
Join us at the Jessup Hose Company No. 2 on Hill Street in Jessup from
10:00 am - 2:00 pm. All attendees will receive one chance to win in addition to the
opportunity to purchase additional tickets. Winners drawn at 2:00 pm
( Rain or Shine )

A blessing of the bikes and National Anthem will take place at Noon. We are
encouraging everyone to stop by the grounds, donate and ride in honor of Jan's life by visiting one of the several monuments/murals
located throughout Lackawanna County will will be displayed at the event. We'd love for you to capture
a photo, and post it with the hashtag #rideforJan2023
Click here for directions
100% of the proceeds from the event will be used to support local injured and homeless veterans, and
veterans/veteran organizations in need.
We would like to thank everyone that came out to the ride.
Thank you Lee J. DeAngelis for
this amazing footage of the ride.
If you have photos, please share your favorites, send them to:
A Special Thanks to the
Dalton Fire Company

for making this event possible.
Proceeds will benefit our local injured soldiers, service members
in need , the SGT Jan-Michael Argonish Memorial Fund, and
other military veteran support organizations.
If you would like to make a donation to the ride.
Please make your check payable to
SGT Jan Argonish Ride
PO Box 256
Olyphant, PA. 18447